Visual Studio Code – Tabs (editors) of the same project in multiple screens

A solution is to press CTRL+K and after releasing CTRL, press O.
This will open the current file in a new window.

There are few things I don’t like about this solution:
– Drag and Drop does not work
– Create a new instance of VS Code resulting in (for me) 180MB of ram used
– To open the file it takes to me few seconds (quite slow)
– The file remains open in the original window as well

Update 20/03/2019:

There is a feature request you can track here:

And an explanation about why this is difficult to implement here:

Update 20/03/2019:

Another important side effect highlighted by @Mär is that:

the IntelliSense fails to establish references it had when the file
was opened in the window, where the entire project is opened

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