What does the arrow (“->”) operator do in Kotlin?

The -> is part of Kotlin’s syntax (similar to Java’s lambda expressions syntax) and can be used in 3 contexts:

  • when expressions where it separates “matching/condition” part from “result/execution” block

     val greet = when(args[0]) {
       "Apple", "Orange" -> "fruit"
       is Number -> "How many?"
       else    -> "hi!"
  • lambda expressions where it separates parameters from function body

      val lambda = { a:String -> "hi!" }
      items.filter { element -> element == "search"  }
  • function types where it separates parameters types from result type e.g. comparator

      fun <T> sort(comparator:(T,T) -> Int){

Details about Kotlin grammar are in the documentation in particular:

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