Why is Rake not able to invoke multiple tasks consecutively?

The issue is that invoke only invokes the task if it is needed. Running rake --trace shows:

(in /tmp/ruby)
** Invoke default (first_time)
** Execute default
** Invoke list (first_time)
** Execute list
Hello level 1
** Invoke list 
** Invoke list 

So you can see it’s trying to invoke the task :list two more times. But one thing you can do is to change the body of the main task to:

task :default => [] do
    Rake::Task[:list].invoke 1
    Rake::Task[:list].invoke 2
    Rake::Task[:list].invoke 3

then the :list task is needed again and it correctly prints out all 3 statements.

The cleaner way to do it is to use execute rather than invoke:

task :default => [] do
    Rake::Task[:list].execute 1
    Rake::Task[:list].execute 2
    Rake::Task[:list].execute 3

task :list, [:level] => [] do |t, args|
    puts "Hello level #{args}"

That changes your puts statement to use just args rather than args.level for some reason. There are some other caveats with using execute over invoke described in the link above.

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