Why is this GoLang solution faster then the equivalent Java Solution?

As it turns out, your programs aren’t as equal as you believe them to be. I instrumented them to see how many games (that is, individual betting rounds) they simulated, and while the Go version simulated 1 612 629 805 games, the Java version simulated 12 323 903 502 games, almost an order of magnitude more.

On my machine, turning off multithreading for more predictable results, the Java program clocked in on around 75 seconds, and the Go program on 12.5 seconds. Matching that against the total runtime, it appears that the Java program is actually slightly faster per simulated game, at about 6.1 ns, as compared to 7.8 ns for the Go program.

Not sure yet why they simulate such vastly different numbers of games, though. Perhaps the way the Go version generates the rounds simply happens to find a lot more quicker terminations.

EDIT: Actually, that last guess makes a lot of sense. The Go version starts off by modulating the initial rounds of a game, while the Java version starts off by modulating the last rounds of a game (in other words, looking at the list of rounds as a list of increasing 11-digit base-3 numbers, the Go version is little-endian, while the Java version is big-endian, so to speak), so the Java version will have to simulate through a lot more identical starts to get to the variations that terminate. I haven’t tried to verify this hypothesis, but I’m sure enough about it that I don’t feel the need to.

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