Will my system fsck when I reboot?

If all you want to do is avoid an fsck, adding the -f option to shutdown should help with that. shutdown -F to force fsck.

tune2fs -l /dev/foo will tell you the interesting bits of information.

Here’s a start at extracting just what you need:

mount -l -t ext3,ext2 | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs -n1 tune2fs -l | egrep -i 'state|mount|check'

If the “Next check after” date is in the past, there will be an fsck.

If the filesystem state is not clean, there will be an fsck. (this could also happen if there’s a problem with the system during reboot/shutdown that prevents a clean unmount)

If the mount count has reached the maximum mount count, there will be an fsck.

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