zeromq: how to prevent infinite wait?

If you are using zeromq >= 3.0, then you can set the RCVTIMEO socket option:

client_receiver.RCVTIMEO = 1000 # in milliseconds

But in general, you can use pollers:

poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(client_receiver, zmq.POLLIN) # POLLIN for recv, POLLOUT for send

And poller.poll() takes a timeout:

evts = poller.poll(1000) # wait *up to* one second for a message to arrive.

evts will be an empty list if there is nothing to receive.

You can poll with zmq.POLLOUT, to check if a send will succeed.

Or, to handle the case of a peer that might have failed, a:

worker.send(msg, zmq.NOBLOCK)

might suffice, which will always return immediately – raising a ZMQError(zmq.EAGAIN) if the send could not complete.

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