Collapsing Toolbar layout with logo, title, subtitle in toolbar

I have preperead two amaizing avatar collapsing demo samples with approach that doesn’t use a custom CoordinatorLayoutBehavior!

To view my samples native code: “Collapsing Avatar Toolbar Sample”

To read my “Animation Collapsing Toolbar Android” post on Medium.

demo 1enter image description here demo 2 enter image description here

Instead of use use a custom CoordinatorLayoutBehavior i use an OnOffsetChangedListener which comes from AppBarLayout.

private lateinit var appBarLayout: AppBarLayout

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        appBarLayout = findViewById(

                AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener { appBarLayout, i ->
                    updateViews(Math.abs(i / appBarLayout.totalScrollRange.toFloat()))

Demo 1

enter image description here

in updateViews method avatar changes the size and changes avatar’s X, Y position translation in first demo.

private fun updateViews(offset: Float) {


        /* Collapse avatar img*/
        ivUserAvatar.apply {
            when {
                offset > avatarAnimateStartPointY -> {
                    val avatarCollapseAnimateOffset = (offset - avatarAnimateStartPointY) * avatarCollapseAnimationChangeWeight
                    val avatarSize = EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE - (EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE - COLLAPSE_IMAGE_SIZE) * avatarCollapseAnimateOffset
                    this.layoutParams.also {
                        it.height = Math.round(avatarSize)
                        it.width = Math.round(avatarSize)
                    invisibleTextViewWorkAround.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, offset)

                    this.translationX = ((appBarLayout.width - horizontalToolbarAvatarMargin - avatarSize) / 2) * avatarCollapseAnimateOffset
                    this.translationY = ((toolbar.height  - verticalToolbarAvatarMargin - avatarSize ) / 2) * avatarCollapseAnimateOffset
                else -> this.layoutParams.also {
                    if (it.height != EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE.toInt()) {
                        it.height = EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE.toInt()
                        it.width = EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE.toInt()
                        this.layoutParams = it
                    translationX = 0f

to find avatarAnimateStartPointY and avatarCollapseAnimationChangeWeight (for convert general offset to avatar animate offset):

private var avatarAnimateStartPointY: Float = 0F
 private var avatarCollapseAnimationChangeWeight: Float = 0F
 private var isCalculated = false
 private var verticalToolbarAvatarMargin =0F
if (isCalculated.not()) {
    avatarAnimateStartPointY = 
                 Math.abs((appBarLayout.height - (EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE + horizontalToolbarAvatarMargin)) / appBarLayout.totalScrollRange)

    avatarCollapseAnimationChangeWeight = 1 / (1 - avatarAnimateStartPointY)

    verticalToolbarAvatarMargin = (toolbar.height - COLLAPSE_IMAGE_SIZE) * 2
    isCalculated = true

Demo 2

enter image description here

avatar change his size and than animate move to right at one moment with top toolbar text became to show and moving to left.

You need to track states: TO_EXPANDED_STATE changing, TO_COLLAPSED_STATE changing, WAIT_FOR_SWITCH.

 /*Collapsed/expended sizes for views*/
            val result: Pair<Int, Int> = when {
                percentOffset < ABROAD -> {
                    Pair(TO_EXPANDED_STATE, cashCollapseState?.second ?: WAIT_FOR_SWITCH)
                else -> {
                    Pair(TO_COLLAPSED_STATE, cashCollapseState?.second ?: WAIT_FOR_SWITCH)

Create animation for avatar on state switch change:

   result.apply {
        var translationY = 0f
        var headContainerHeight = 0f
        val translationX: Float
        var currentImageSize = 0
        when {
            cashCollapseState != null && cashCollapseState != this -> {
                when (first) {
                    TO_EXPANDED_STATE -> {
                        translationY = toolbar.height.toFloat()
                        headContainerHeight = appBarLayout.totalScrollRange.toFloat()
                        currentImageSize = EXPAND_AVATAR_SIZE.toInt()
                        titleToolbarText.visibility = View.VISIBLE
                        titleToolbarTextSingle.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
                        background.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@Demo2Activity, R.color.color_transparent))
                        ivAvatar.translationX = 0f

                    TO_COLLAPSED_STATE -> {
                        background.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@Demo2Activity, R.color.colorPrimary))
                        currentImageSize = COLLAPSE_IMAGE_SIZE.toInt()
                        translationY = appBarLayout.totalScrollRange.toFloat() - (toolbar.height - COLLAPSE_IMAGE_SIZE) / 2
                        headContainerHeight = toolbar.height.toFloat()
                        translationX = appBarLayout.width / 2f - COLLAPSE_IMAGE_SIZE / 2 - margin * 2
                        ValueAnimator.ofFloat(ivAvatar.translationX, translationX).apply {
                            addUpdateListener {
                                if (cashCollapseState!!.first == TO_COLLAPSED_STATE) {
                                    ivAvatar.translationX = it.animatedValue as Float
                            interpolator = AnticipateOvershootInterpolator()
                            startDelay = 69
                            duration = 350

                ivAvatar.apply {
                    layoutParams.height = currentImageSize
                    layoutParams.width = currentImageSize
                collapsingAvatarContainer.apply {
                    layoutParams.height = headContainerHeight.toInt()
                    this.translationY = translationY
                cashCollapseState = Pair(first, SWITCHED)

To view my samples native code: “Collapsing Avatar Toolbar Sample”

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