Full Width Material-UI Grid not working as it should

I suspect the Container component is causing you problems. Since you haven’t linked its implementation, see below for a working example of what you want. Since Material uses flexbox they make use of property flexGrow The flex-grow CSS property specifies the flex grow factor of a flex item. It specifies what amount of space inside … Read more

Set Material UI Select width?

If you are doing something a one-off styling, you can use the inline style, it worked for me. <FormControl style={{minWidth: 120}}> // this line <InputLabel htmlFor=”selected-language”>Language</InputLabel> <Select value={this.state.selectedLanguage} onChange={(e) => this.onLanguageChange(e.target.value)} inputProps={{ name: ‘language’, id: ‘selected-language’, }}> {menuItems} </Select> </FormControl> If you would reuse it in more code and want to avoid code duplication, you … Read more

Material UI Menu using routes

another long overdue update: containerElement prop is not supported anymore, use component prop instead. Check out the document here. 2016 December Edit: the linkButton prop is deprecated, you will get a warning: Warning: Unknown props `linkButton` on <a> tag. So simply remove the prop: <MenuItem containerElement={<Link to=”/profile” />} primaryText=”Profile” leftIcon={ <FontIcon className=”material-icons”>people</FontIcon> } /> Here’s … Read more

“Edit / Delete” button for each row & header column is ‘Action’ in the md-table component

You are on the right track, you just need to add an actions item to displayedColumns list: displayedColumns = [“username”, “email”, “userFirstName” … , “actions”]; and: <ng-container cdkColumnDef=”actions”> <md-header-cell > Actions </md-header-cell> <md-cell *cdkCellDef=”let row” > <button md-raised-button >Edit</button> </md-cell> </ng-container>

How to programmatically add a submenu item to the new material design android support library

[Update 20-03-2016] Bug is resolved. So no need to worry. [This below contetnt is outdated.] Adding a dynamic menu to NavigationView is currently bug on Design Support library. And I have report it to android bug source tracking. So wait till the bug will fixed. But if you want the temporary solution you can do … Read more

Smooth animated Collapsing Toolbar with Android Design Support Library

You can use the new layout_scrollFlag snap for smooth scroll within the AppBarLayout states. But what I have experienced is that, when the RecyclerView reaches top, scrolling stops. i.e CollapsingToolbarLayout won’t get expanded without another scroll. For the RecyclerView to scroll smoothly up and expand the CollapsingToolbarLayout I have used a ScrollListener on recyclerview. recyclerView.addOnScrollListener(new … Read more

Setting app:layout_behavior programmatically

Explanation Behavior is a parameter of the CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams. You can set the behavior on an instance of CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams with setBehavior method. To get a proper Behavior object that represents the same thing as @string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior you should create an instance of AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior. Example (this is a cleaned up version of my previous edits to the original … Read more