Display a video from a Blob Javascript

I’ve found. It was so simple that I didnt even see it…

 * @param {Blob} videoFile
 * @param {HTMLVideoElement} videoEl 
 * @returns {void}
function display( videoFile, videoEl ) {

    // Preconditions:
    if( !( videoFile instanceof Blob ) ) throw new Error( '`videoFile` must be a Blob or File object.' ); // The `File` prototype extends the `Blob` prototype, so `instanceof Blob` works for both.
    if( !( videoEl instanceof HTMLVideoElement ) ) throw new Error( '`videoEl` must be a <video> element.' );

    const newObjectUrl = URL.createObjectURL( videoFile );
    // URLs created by `URL.createObjectURL` always use the `blob:` URI scheme: https://w3c.github.io/FileAPI/#dfn-createObjectURL
    const oldObjectUrl = videoEl.currentSrc;
    if( oldObjectUrl && oldObjectUrl.startsWith('blob:') ) {
        // It is very important to revoke the previous ObjectURL to prevent memory leaks. Un-set the `src` first.
        // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URL/createObjectURL

        videoEl.src=""; // <-- Un-set the src property *before* revoking the object URL.
        URL.revokeObjectURL( oldObjectUrl );

    // Then set the new URL:
    videoEl.src = newObjectUrl;

    // And load it:
    videoEl.load(); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/load

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