Fastest way to replace multiple strings in a huge string

Using unsafe and compiled as x64


Implementation       | Exec   | GC
#1 Simple            | 4706ms |  0ms
#2 Simple parallel   | 2265ms |  0ms
#3 ParallelSubstring |  800ms | 21ms
#4 Fredou unsafe     |  432ms | 15ms

take the code of Erti-Chris Eelmaa and replace my previous one with this.

I don’t think I will do another iteration but i did learn a few thing with unsafe which is a good thing 🙂

    private unsafe static void FredouImplementation(string input, int inputLength, string replace, string[] replaceBy)
        var indexes = new List<int>();

        //inputLength = input.Length;
        //replaceBy = new string[] { "AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE" };

        //my own string.indexof to save a few ms
        int len = inputLength;

        fixed (char* i = input, r = replace)
            int replaceValAsInt = *((int*)r);

            while (--len > -1)
                if (replaceValAsInt == *((int*)&i[len]))

        var idx = indexes.ToArray();
        len = indexes.Count;

        Parallel.For(0, replaceBy.Length, l =>
            Process(input, inputLength, replaceBy[l], idx, len)

    private unsafe static void Process(string input, int len, string replaceBy, int[] idx, int idxLen)
        var output = new char[len];

        fixed (char* o = output, i = input, r = replaceBy)
            int replaceByValAsInt = *((int*)r);

            //direct copy, simulate string.copy
            while (--len > -1)
                o[len] = i[len];

            while (--idxLen > -1)
                ((int*)&o[idx[idxLen]])[0] = replaceByValAsInt;


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