Binding JSON to nested Grails Domain Objects

Since this question got upvoted several times I would like to share what I did in the end:

Since I had some more requirements to be implemented like security etc. I implemented a service layer which hides the domain objects from the controllers. I introduced a “dynamic DTO layer” which translates Domain Objects to Groovy Maps which can be serialized easily using the standard serializers and which implements the updates manually. All the semi-automatic/meta-programming/command pattern/… based solutions I tried to implement failed at some point, mostly resulting in strange GORM errors or a lot of configuration code (and a lot of frustration). The update and serialization methods for the DTOs are fairly straightforward and could be implemented very quickly. It does not introduce a lot of duplicate code as well since you have to specify how your domain objects are serialized anyway if you don’t want to publish your internal domain object structure. Maybe it’s not the most elegant solution but it was the only solution which really worked for me. It also allows me to implement batch updates since the update logic is not connected to the http requests any more.

However I must say that I don’t think that grails is the appropriate tech stack best suited for this kind of application, since it makes your application very heavy-weight and inflexbile. My experience is that once you start doing things which are not supported by the framework by default, it starts getting messy. Furthermore, I don’t like the fact that the “repository” layer in grails essentially only exists as a part of the domain objects which introduced a lot of problems and resulted in several “proxy services” emulating a repository layer. If you start building an application using a json rest interface, I would suggest to either go for a very light-weight technology like node.js or, if you want to/have to stick to a java based stack, use standard spring framework + spring mvc + spring data with a nice and clean dto layer (this is what I’ve migrated to and it works like a charm). You don’t have to write a lot of boilerplate code and you are completely in control of what’s actually happening. Furthermore you get strong typing which increases developer productivity as well as maintainability and which legitimates the additional LOCs. And of course strong typing means strong tooling!

I started writing a blog entry describing the architecture I came up with (with a sample project of course), however I don’t have a lot of time right now to finish it. When it’s done I’m going to link to it here for reference.

Hope this can serve as inspiration for people experiencing similar problems.


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