Get files from server two steps away [closed]

You can create an SSH tunnel through machine2 then in another session connect to the tunnel.

For example, open two CLI sessions on machine1. In the first session run the following:

MACHINE1$ ssh -L 2022:MACHINE3:22 <user>@MACHINE2

In the second session run the following:

MACHINE1 $ ssh -p 2022 <user>@localhost

What’s happening with the first command is a local port (2022 on machine1) is being tunneled to port 22 on machine3 using your SSH connection to machine2.

With the second command you are connecting to the newly opened local port (2022) and it’s like you’re connecting directly to machine3.

Now if you want to use your typical file transfer process you could do the following:

ssh -p 2022 <user>@localhost "tar cf - /path/to/remote/directory/" > filename.tar

Alternatively, you can familiarise yourself with rsync and do something like this instead:

rsync -aHSv --progress -e 'ssh -p 2022' <user>@localhost:/path/to/remote/directory/ /path/to/local/directory/

Assuming the end goal isn’t to get a tarball.

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