How can I calculate the variance of a list in python?

You can use numpy’s built-in function var:

import numpy as np

results = [-14.82381293, -0.29423447, -13.56067979, -1.6288903, -0.31632439,
          0.53459687, -1.34069996, -1.61042692, -4.03220519, -0.24332097]


This gives you 28.822364260579157

If – for whatever reason – you cannot use numpy and/or you don’t want to use a built-in function for it, you can also calculate it “by hand” using e.g. a list comprehension:

# calculate mean
m = sum(results) / len(results)

# calculate variance using a list comprehension
var_res = sum((xi - m) ** 2 for xi in results) / len(results)

which gives you the identical result.

If you are interested in the standard deviation, you can use numpy.std:


@Serge Ballesta explained very well the difference between variance n and n-1. In numpy you can easily set this parameter using the option ddof; its default is 0, so for the n-1 case you can simply do:

np.var(results, ddof=1)

The “by hand” solution is given in @Serge Ballesta’s answer.

Both approaches yield 32.024849178421285.

You can set the parameter also for std:

np.std(results, ddof=1)

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