How do I uninstall docker-compose?


Please note that this is now in the docs.

Coupled Installation and Removal

Note: on Mac Docker now installs Docker Compose. So the strategy for removal has changed a bit. If you uninstall Docker, and you want to uninstall both, then you also uninstall Docker Compose.

Individual Removal if Installed Using curl

It is commonly installed to /usr/local/bin/docker-compose on macs. However, you can run which docker-compose to find the exact location.

Run the following command (*nix systems) to remove:

rm $(which docker-compose)

If you get a permission denied error then you will need to prepend sudo:

sudo rm $(which docker-compose)

To verify that it was successful, run the following command which should return nothing:

which docker-compose

It should say that the command wasn’t found.

Individual Removal if Installed Using PIP

If you’ve installed Docker Compose using PIP then you can run:

pip uninstall docker-compose

You may have to use sudo if you get a permission denied error:

sudo pip uninstall docker-compose

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