How to install/use a local version of package using Stack?

So you have a project where you want to use your locally patched Netwire version and in your project you have a stack.yml, as an example:

flags: {}
- '.'
extra-deps: {}
resolver: lts-3.7

You also have an dependency on netwire declared in your cabal file.

To use you patched Netwire in this project of yours you simply put the patched Netwire package in a subdirectory of your project, perhaps called netwire, and update your stack.yml as such:

flags: {}
- '.'
- netwire
extra-deps: {}
resolver: lts-3.7

Now stack build will build your project with the patched Netwire version.

You can also put the modified source online (if the license permits) and refer to the source using either a tarball URL


or a git repository and commit reference:

- location:
    commit: 6a86ee32e5b869a877151f74064572225e1a0398

(Check out the documentation for more info:

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