how to show Back/Forward buttons in Android Studio 3.0.1 IDE

In my Android Studio 3.0.1 installation, the buttons you seek are already in the main toolbar (see where the red arrow points):

navigation buttons in AS 3.0.1 main toolbar

To configure the contents of the toolbars, right-click over an open area in the toolbar panel and choose “Customize Menus and Toolbars…” from the context menu:

AS 3.0.1 toolbar context menu

That will bring up a dialog where you can see the contents of the main toolbar and manipulate those contents:

Menus and Toolbars dialog

In Android Studio 3.3 Canary 13:

Open View and then click Toolbar if it is unchecked. You will now get your toolbar with back and forward navigate buttons.

View Menu

Best of Luck!

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