Problems using Entity Framework 6 and SQLite

Just thought I’d share another way to configure EF6 with SQLite without using app.config / web.config. EF6 now supports code based configurations as outlined here on msdn. I used the following code (updated to remove reflection thanks to Sly):

public class SQLiteConfiguration : DbConfiguration
    public SQLiteConfiguration()
        SetProviderFactory("System.Data.SQLite", SQLiteFactory.Instance);
        SetProviderFactory("System.Data.SQLite.EF6", SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance);
        SetProviderServices("System.Data.SQLite", (DbProviderServices)SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance.GetService(typeof(DbProviderServices)));

I use this so I can inject the correct DbContext and hence DbProvider at runtime and don’t need everything configured in the main assembly.


As Reyn said you will also need to add an IDbConnectionFactory for SQLite if you wish to have your connection string in your web.config / app.config file. Another approach is to call a different base constructor from your DbContext which passes in a new SQLiteConnection rather than the connection string, as shown in this answer.

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Problems using Entity Framework 6 and SQLite

Just thought I’d share another way to configure EF6 with SQLite without using app.config / web.config. EF6 now supports code based configurations as outlined here on msdn. I used the following code (updated to remove reflection thanks to Sly):

public class SQLiteConfiguration : DbConfiguration
    public SQLiteConfiguration()
        SetProviderFactory("System.Data.SQLite", SQLiteFactory.Instance);
        SetProviderFactory("System.Data.SQLite.EF6", SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance);
        SetProviderServices("System.Data.SQLite", (DbProviderServices)SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance.GetService(typeof(DbProviderServices)));

I use this so I can inject the correct DbContext and hence DbProvider at runtime and don’t need everything configured in the main assembly.


As Reyn said you will also need to add an IDbConnectionFactory for SQLite if you wish to have your connection string in your web.config / app.config file. Another approach is to call a different base constructor from your DbContext which passes in a new SQLiteConnection rather than the connection string, as shown in this answer.

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