How to restrict actor messages to specific types?

Then you’d have to encode the message type into the Actor ref, which would drastically decrease the value of something like the ActorRegistry. Also, with powerful mechanics like “become” (which is fundamental to the actor model) typing the messages is less valuable. Since Akka doesn’t leak memory when a message is not matched to the … Read more

Which Actor model library/framework for python and Erlang-like? [closed]

To make actors with gevent, use a Greenlet subclass with embedded gevent.queue.Queue instance used as an inbox. To read a message from the inbox, simply get() from the queue. To send a message to an actor, put it into that actor’s queue. Read about subclassing Greenlet here. If you need help with writing the Actor … Read more

Scala actors – worst practices? [closed]

Avoid !? wherever possible. You will get a locked system! Always send a message from an Actor-subsystem thread. If this means creating a transient Actor via the method then so be it: case ButtonClicked(src) => { controller ! SaveTrade(trdFld.text) } Add an “any other message” handler to your actor’s reactions. Otherwise it is … Read more