Difference between Java Concurrency, Akka and RxJava?

According to Mathias Doenitz at this point in time RxJava doesn’t have back pressure unlike Akkas Reactive Streams implementation. But RxJava seems to be working on adding back pressure. Both frameworks will be able to interact through the reactive streaming spi. So you will be able to do very very similar things. According to Mathias … Read more

How to restrict actor messages to specific types?

Then you’d have to encode the message type into the Actor ref, which would drastically decrease the value of something like the ActorRegistry. Also, with powerful mechanics like “become” (which is fundamental to the actor model) typing the messages is less valuable. Since Akka doesn’t leak memory when a message is not matched to the … Read more

Spray, Akka-http and Play, Which is the best bet for a new HTTP/REST project

Spray is production ready, but the development team (Mathias Doenitz) works for Typesafe on Akka-http now. The status of Akka-http is “development preview”. There are vague promises of a full release “within a few months”, but nothing you can take to the bank. Edited 29-July-2015: The status of Akka-HTTP is now “release candidate” with version … Read more

Discovery of Akka actors in cluster

I’m working on a private project which is basically a very extended version of the chatroom example and I also had startup problems with akka and the whole “decentralized” thinking. So I can tell you how I “solved” my extended chatroom: I wanted a server which could easily be deployed multiple times without much additional … Read more

What kind of “EventBus” to use in Spring? Built-in, Reactor, Akka?

I’m not sure I can adequately answer your question in this small space. But I’ll give it a shot! 🙂 Spring’s ApplicationEvent system and Reactor are really quite distinct as far as functionality goes. ApplicationEvent routing is based on the type handled by the ApplicationListener. Anything more complicated than that and you’ll have to implement … Read more

How can I have an Akka actor executed every 5 min?

You don’t really need an actor to do this in Akka 1.3.1 you can schedule a function to be called every 5 minutes like this: Scheduler.schedule(() => println(“Do something”), 0L, 5L, TimeUnit.MINUTES) However, if you do want it to be an actor for other reasons you would call it like this case class Message() val … Read more