Are there alternatives to using Google’s in-app-billing , as a way to avoid publishing private info? [closed]

Yes, there is a company called Stripe that offers an API helps do the in app billing without the need to use the Google in app billing. EDIT : For the legal aspect of this, it depends on what you are selling , check this from google play policy. App purchases: Developers charging for apps … Read more

Creating and managing a Facebook app from a Business Account [closed]

‘Business’ or advertising accounts can’t manage apps – if at some point in the past you were able to create an app using a business account this was a bug or loophole and shouldn’t have been possible – only real verified user accounts should be able to create and manage apps. It’s also possible to … Read more

How to add the AppTrackingTransparency permission to your iOS apps

For those who might be struggling with the same things, I got the AppTrackingTransparency dialog box to appear with the function, import AppTrackingTransparency import AdSupport //NEWLY ADDED PERMISSIONS FOR iOS 14 func requestPermission() { if #available(iOS 14, *) { ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization { status in switch status { case .authorized: // Tracking authorization dialog was shown // … Read more

Play Store warning: You must complete the advertising ID declaration before you can release an app that targets Android 13 (API 33)

There are 2 steps that you have to follow to solve this problem. add permission in AndroidManifest.xml file. Go to your Google Play Console select the app which you are trying to upload then on the left side go to Policy and programs -> App content in there fill the Advertising ID form. So … Read more

Unable to get provider java.lang.IllegalStateException

This happened due to updated AdMob SDK. Now you need to add appID in your manifest file. <application> . . . <meta-data android:name=”” android:value=”ca-app-pub-################~##########”/> </application> You can get appID from here –>Google addmob –>Select app –> App Settings –> App ID. You can read more from here ads-developers. If you want to use test ads … Read more