Alert boxes in Python?

what about this: import win32api win32api.MessageBox(0, ‘hello’, ‘title’) Additionally: win32api.MessageBox(0, ‘hello’, ‘title’, 0x00001000) will make the box appear on top of other windows, for urgent messages. See MessageBox function for other options.

Alerts when navigating away from a web page

By the browser. It’s the beforeunload event handler that returns the customized text of the dialog, which is only the middle of the three paragraphs – the other two paragraphs as well as the text of the buttons cannot be customized or otherwise changed. window.onbeforeunload = function(){ return ‘Testing…’ } // OR var unloadListener = … Read more

Can Twitter Bootstrap alerts fade in as well as out?

I strongly disagree with most answers previously mentioned. Short answer: Omit the “in” class and add it using jQuery to fade it in. See this jsfiddle for an example that fades in alert after 3 seconds Long answer: Although it is true bootstrap doesn’t natively support fading in alerts, most answers here use the … Read more

How do I get my HP servers to email me when a drive fails?

This depends slightly on the operating systems you’re running on the servers, but in general, it is possible to obtain alerts from HP ProLiant servers and Smart Array RAID controllers. The full driver and software support listing for your DL380 G5 systems is listed here. SNMP and a monitoring solution is the best approach… But … Read more

Yes or No confirm box using jQuery

ConfirmDialog(‘Are you sure’); function ConfirmDialog(message) { $(‘<div></div>’).appendTo(‘body’) .html(‘<div><h6>’ + message + ‘?</h6></div>’) .dialog({ modal: true, title: ‘Delete message’, zIndex: 10000, autoOpen: true, width: ‘auto’, resizable: false, buttons: { Yes: function() { // $(obj).removeAttr(‘onclick’); // $(obj).parents(‘.Parent’).remove(); $(‘body’).append(‘<h1>Confirm Dialog Result: <i>Yes</i></h1>’); $(this).dialog(“close”); }, No: function() { $(‘body’).append(‘<h1>Confirm Dialog Result: <i>No</i></h1>’); $(this).dialog(“close”); } }, close: function(event, ui) { … Read more

Setting Low Disk Space Alerts on Windows Server 2008

One simple way to get Windows Server 2008 to send low disk space e-mail alerts is to use Task Scheduler and the System Log. If the free space falls below the percentage specified in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\DiskSpaceThreshold, an event is recorded in the System Log that can trigger a task to send an e-mail message. Open Task … Read more