How to stop backgrounddownload exe

This however does not stop VS from recreating BackgoundDownload.exe in ‘random’ temp directories and trying again. There must be some other missed option. Perhaps disabling the scheduled task in ‘task scheduler’ would finalize the change. Through control panel, or other means, open ‘Task Scheduler’. in the navigation pane on the left side, navigate to “Task … Read more

Spawn a background process in Ruby

As long as you are working on a POSIX OS you can use fork and exec. fork = Create a subprocess exec = Replace current process with another process You then need to inform that your main-process is not interested in the created subprocesses via Process.detach. job1 = fork do exec “/path/to/daemon01” end Process.detach(job1) …

How to use beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler for already running task in iOS

Despite its name, beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: does not actually “begin” a task. It might be better thought of as “register…” rather than “begin….” You’re just telling the system that you’re in the middle of doing something that would like to complete if that’s ok. Several points: In almost all cases, you want to call beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: when you … Read more

How does the web version of Whatsapp work on iOS devices considering the OS shuts apps in 30 seconds?

Just as a side note, Apple introduced the Notification Service extension point in iOS 10, which can be used to achieve this. The following applies only to iOS 9.x or earlier. No app in iOS can be long alive in background with a keep-alive socket, or guaranteed to wake by remote notifications except those using … Read more

ASP.NET Core IHostedService manual start/stop/pause(?)

For StopAsync(CancellationToken token), you could pass new System.Threading.CancellationToken(). In the defination of public CancellationToken(bool canceled), canceled indicates state for the token. For your scenario, there is no need to specify the canceled since you want to Stop the service. You could follow below step by step: Create IHostedService public class RecureHostedService : IHostedService, IDisposable { … Read more

Healthkit background delivery when app is not running

After a full day of testing, I can confirm that HealthKit background delivery does work in all of the following application states: background: in background and executing code, suspended: in background and not executing code, terminated: force-killed by the user or purged by the system. Keep in mind: part 1 Some HealthKit data types have … Read more