Why after merge does GIT say “Already up-to-date”, but differences between branches still exist?

Reverting Merges vs. Resetting Merges My guess is that you actually are Already-up-to-date. The problem is that git revert doesn’t undo the merge, it only undoes the changes that the merge brought with it. When you create a merge commit, you’re combining the commit histories of those two branches. Merging develop | A—B—C \ \ … Read more

Conflicting library version in a Java Maven project

You can use the tree goal of the Maven dependency plugin to display all transitive dependencies in your project and look for dependencies that say “omitted for conflict”.1 mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose | grep ‘omitted for conflict’ Once you know which dependency has version conflicts, you can use the includes parameter to show … Read more

How to solve two packages requirements conflicts when running composer install?

The basic problem here is the use of branches (dev-master) instead of tagged versions. Using branches is very likely to end in problems. I am watching the Composer questions on Stackoverflow, and every time someone reports trouble with packages, they are using development branches and “minimum-stability:dev” 99% of the time. What’s happening? I must assume … Read more

Eclipse EGit Checkout conflict with files: – EGit doesn’t want to continue

Situation: You have local uncommitted changes You pull from the master repo You get the error “Checkout conflict with files: xy” Solution: Stage and commit (at least) the files xy Pull again If automerge is possible, everything is ok. If not, the pull merges the files and inserts the merge-conflict markers (<<<<<<, >>>>) Manually edit … Read more