TortoiseSVN reports conflict, but no conflict can be found

Skipped obstructing working copy this means that there’s a working copy folder in the way: your update wants to add a folder with name ‘project’, but you already have a versioned folder ‘project’ in your working copy. Maybe you moved that folder from another working copy? Or that folder is its own working copy (if … Read more

How do I resolve a conflict after git pull?

You don’t need mergetool for this. It can be resolved pretty easily manually. Your conflict is that your local commits added a file, vision_problem_8.h, that a remote commit also created, by a rename from vignette_generator_mashed.h. If you run ls -l vision_problem_8.h* you will probably see multiple versions of this file that git has preserved for … Read more

Merging but overwriting changes in Git

Add -X ours argument to your git merge command. Say you are working in your local branch. Then you want to merge in what went in the master: git merge -X ours master On the other hand if you are in master and want to merge your local branch into master then @elhadi rightly says … Read more

“Conflicts prevent checkout” error using Git in Visual Studio

I have solved the same problem by using the Git command prompt in Visual Studio, because it gives you more ability: You also may install this extension to facilitate the work with it (it gives you ability do not enter passwords each time): Then I used this commands: git pull // I got … Read more

Is it possible to always (force) overwrite local changes when updating from SVN? Ignore conflicts?

If you really want a copy of HEAD (the latest revision in repos), then you should svn revert -R <path> // discard all your changes inside path (recursive) svn update // get latest revision of all files (recursive) That’s it. Beware that you will lose ALL your changes since your last ‘commit’. EDIT: added the … Read more

R: 2 functions with the same name in 2 different packages

You have probably already noticed that the order of loading the packages makes a difference, i.e. the package that gets loaded last will mask the functions in packages loaded earlier. To specify the package that you want to use, the syntax is: chron::is.weekend() tseries::is.weekend() In other words, use packagename::functionname() In addition, if you know that … Read more