How to get the Country according to a certain IP? [duplicate]

There are two approaches: using an Internet service and using some kind of local list (perhaps wrapped in a library). What you want will depend on what you are building. For services: (as mentioned by Mark) For lists: (as mentioned by Orion) You could roll your own by downloading the lists from … Read more

How to explore web-based Google Play in another country?

Looking for a solution to this exact problem brought me here, but unfortunately nobody gave the right answer. Here it is: Add the parameter gl=(countrycode). For example, to see the list of top free business applications in your country, use this: Adding gl=ru gives you the list for Russia: Hope this helps.

“no global superior knowledge” while adding a country

The error no global superior knowledge means that slapd doesn’t know where to put your new entry. This typically means that you have not defined an appropriate database. With newer systems (ones using cn=config instead of slapd.conf), you would typically first add a new database or modify an existing database entry using ldapadd or ldapmodify. … Read more

Why doesn’t Kosovo have its own ccTLD yet? [closed]

ICANN explains this pretty well in their blog ( As at this time, Abkhazia, Kosovo, Transnistria, Somaliland, South Ossetia and others are not in the ISO 3166-1 standard, so ICANN is not in a position to grant any corresponding country-code domain for them. By strictly adhering to the ISO 3166-1 standard, we ensure that ICANN … Read more