“Navbar refers to a value, but is being used as a type here” when trying to render a shallow copy of my component when testing

Have you tried to change the name of the file? MyComponent.test.tsx Also, did you install the types of jest and stuff npm i -D @types/jest. I mean I’m saying this because if you look at the jest config where it says testRegex. You have it like this __tests__/*.(test|spec).tsx the test must be inside a tests … Read more

django – get user logged into test client

The test client is request-agnostic. It doesn’t inherently hold information about what users are logged in. (Neither does your actual webserver or the Django dev server, either, for obvious reasons, and those same reasons apply here). login is simply a convenience method on the test client to essentially mimic a POST to /login/ with the … Read more

multiple user logins in jmeter

I just implemented this using jmeter for an app that uses Spring Security (It would be very similar to PHP). This is fairly straightforward, basically: 1) Create a new CSV file using a text editor Ex: CSVSample_user.csv username1, password1 username2, password2 2) In jmeter, create a CSV Data Set Config element Thread Group>add>Config Element>CSV Data … Read more

NestJS – Test suite failed to run Cannot find module ‘src/article/article.entity’ from ‘comment/comment.entity.ts’

You can tell Jest how to resolve module paths by configuring the moduleNameMapper option, which is useful if you’re using packages like module-alias or if you’re using absolute paths. Add these lines to your Jest configuration: { // … “jest”: { // … “moduleNameMapper”: { “^src/(.*)$”: “<rootDir>/$1” } } } Now modules that start with … Read more

How do I unit test spring security @PreAuthorize(hasRole)?

UPDATE Spring Security 4 provides comprehensive support for integrating with MockMvc. For example: import static org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.setup.SecurityMockMvcConfigurers.*; @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration @WebAppConfiguration public class SecurityMockMvcTests { @Autowired private WebApplicationContext context; private MockMvc mvc; @Before public void setup() { mvc = MockMvcBuilders .webAppContextSetup(context) .apply(springSecurity()) .build(); } @Test public void withUserRequestPostProcessor() { mvc .perform(get(“/admin”).with(user(“admin”).roles(“USER”,”ADMIN”))) … } @WithMockUser(roles=”ADMIN”) @Test public void … Read more

Has anybody used SIKULI for testing their GUI-based apps?

Quoting Unit Testing for GUI (in the project Documentation): Sikuli is designed to support unit testing for GUI by integrating with junit. The unit testing panel can be opened by clicking on View/Unit Test or by shortcut Cmd-U on Mac (or Ctrl-U on Windows/Linux). So, while my understanding is that SIKULI is initially aimed at … Read more

PEP8 naming convention on test classes

The documentation for unittest suggests, e.g.: class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_shuffle(self): … def test_choice(self): … commenting The three individual tests are defined with methods whose names start with the letters test. This naming convention informs the test runner about which methods represent tests.

login() in Django testing framework

The problem is that you’re not passing RequestContext to your template. Also, you probably should use the login_required decorator and the client built in the TestCase class. I’d rewrite it like this: #views.py from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import render from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model @login_required(login_url=”/users/login”) def secure(request): user = request.user return render(request, ‘secure.html’, {’email’: … Read more