Using Case Statement with String

In Jcl library you have the StrIndex function StrIndex(Index, Array Of String) which works like this: Case StrIndex(‘SomeName’, [‘bobby’, ‘tommy’, ‘somename’]) of 0: ..code.. ;//bobby 1: ..code..;//tommy 2: ..code..;//somename else ShowMessage(‘error’); end.

Is COM broken in XE2, and how might I work around it?

Workaround rowCnt := UsedRange.Rows.Count; colCnt := UsedRange.Columns.Count; for Row := 1 to rowCnt do begin for Col := 1 to colCnt do begin v := UsedRange.Item[Row, Col].Value; end; end; This also works (and may help you find a workaround in more complicated use cases): function ColCount(const range: ExcelRange): integer; begin Result := range.Columns.Count; end; for … Read more

Webview not displaying in MacOS using Delphi XE2

Getting the NSWindow of a FMX form convert a TForm reference to a NSWindow set Host Window. MyWebView.setHostWindow(MyNSWindow) procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var […] ObjTOC: TOCLocal; MyNSWindow : NSWindow; […] ObjTOC := (FmxHandleToObjC(Form2.Handle) as TOCLocal); MyNSWindow := NSWindow(TOCLocalAccess(ObjTOC).Super); PWebView := TWebView.Alloc.initWithFrame(MakeNSRect(10, 10, 300, 300), nil, nil); MyWebView := TWebView.Wrap(PWebView); MyWebView.setHostWindow(MyNSWindow); […] MyWebView.mainFrame.loadRequest(urlreq); end;

Required tags not present when using Delphi XML Data Binding Wizard

Not sure to understand but maybe what you are looking for is : use=”optional” <xs:element name=”MyReport” type=”MyReportType” /> <xs:complexType name=”MyReportType”> <xs:all> <xs:element name=”Header” type=”HeaderType” use=”optional” /> <xs:element name=”Values” type=”ValuesType” use=”optional” /> <xs:element name=”Events” type=”EventsType” use=”optional” /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> Tell me if it’s okay.