Plugins architecture for an Android app? [closed]

I have done a framework that works like Robo-guice with some of its primary IoC functions. (Cut down on boilerplate codes that load views/service etc…) But the core of which, I believe is the solution to your problem, is the ability to load separate APK “plugin” files, that includes “res” as well as <layouts>.xml files. … Read more

Android Gradle: What is javaMaxHeapSize “4g”?

As it mentioned in the answer above, it is just an option to specify the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for dex operation. And it’s the same, as to provide to java the -xmx argument. Due to it’s source codes from here, it’s setter look like: if (theJavaMaxHeapSize.matches(“\\d+[kKmMgGtT]?”)) { javaMaxHeapSize … Read more

Didn’t find class “” on path: DexPathList

The solution didn’t help me because I was using jetpack version ie androidx. libraries. Followed official doc. And I had to change name to androidx….Multidex. <application android:name=”androidx.multidex.MultiDexApplication” > … </application> Hope It helps other people looking for adding multidex with jetpack.

How to extract code of .apk file which is not working? [duplicate]

Note: All of the following instructions apply universally (aka to all OSes) unless otherwise specified. Prerequsites You will need: A working Java installation A working terminal/command prompt A computer An APK file Steps Step 1: Changing the file extension of the APK file Change the file extension of the .apk file by either adding a … Read more