Using a class versus struct as a dictionary key

Dictionary<TKey, TValue> uses an IEqualityComparer<TKey> for comparing the keys. If you do not explicitly specify the comparer when you construct the dictionary, it will use EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default. Since neither MyClass nor MyStruct implement IEquatable<T>, the default equality comparer will call Object.Equals and Object.GetHashCode for comparing instances. MyClass is derived from Object, so the implementation will use … Read more

Python class returning value

I think you are very confused about what is occurring. In Python, everything is an object: [] (a list) is an object ‘abcde’ (a string) is an object 1 (an integer) is an object MyClass() (an instance) is an object MyClass (a class) is also an object list (a type–much like a class) is also … Read more

Tailwind CSS classes is not working in my project?

This error is due to tailwind not finding any classes to scan in what it ‘thinks’ is your HTML code directories. This section in your tailwind.config.js file determines which files are scanned to be processed by tailwind content: [ ‘./pages/**/*.{html,js}’, ‘./components/**/*.{html,js}’, ], This corrected the issue for me. Official documentation:

Call parent function which is being overridden by child during constructor chain in JavaScript(ES6) [duplicate]

You seem to be operating under a misconception that there are two objects A and B when you are in the constructor of the derived class B. This is not the case at all. There is one and only one object. Both A and B contribute properties and methods to that one object. The value … Read more

PEP8 naming convention on test classes

The documentation for unittest suggests, e.g.: class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_shuffle(self): … def test_choice(self): … commenting The three individual tests are defined with methods whose names start with the letters test. This naming convention informs the test runner about which methods represent tests.

Getting container/parent object from within python

Pass a reference to the Bar object, like so: class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.text = “Hello World” # has to be created first, so Bar.__init__ can reference it = Bar(self) class Bar(object): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.newText = parent.text foo = Foo() Edit: as pointed out by @thomleo, this can cause problems … Read more