How can I copy a VHD image back to a physical disc?

You can use qemu-nbd in Linux to access a disk image as if it were a block device. Here are some examples of operations that can be performed from a live Knoppix terminal. su modprobe nbd qemu-nbd –read-only –connect=/dev/nbd0 –format=vpc <vhd_file_name> If VHDX format: qemu-nbd –connect=/dev/nbd0 –format=VHDX <vhdx_file_name> ddrescue –verbose –force /dev/nbd0 /dev/sda # write … Read more

Prepare a disk to be imaged by Clonezilla for use on smaller disks?

Inside every clonezilla image, there is a file called sda-pt.parted. You can edit the sector size of /dev/sda to be smaller than your target hard drive. Here is how we do it: Install OS and programs Shrink partition in OS to lowest possible value (we find under 80 works best) Sysprep and clone Edit image/sda-pt.parted … Read more

How to create a custom ISO image in CentOS

Create a directory to mount your source. mkdir /tmp/bootiso Loop mount the source ISO you are modifying. (Download from Red Hat / CentOS.) mount -o loop /path/to/some.iso /tmp/bootiso Create a working directory for your customized media. mkdir /tmp/bootisoks Copy the source media to the working directory. cp -r /tmp/bootiso/* /tmp/bootisoks/ Unmount the source ISO and … Read more

Which is better image format, raw or qcow2, to use as a baseimage for other VMs?

For your specific use case (base image + qcow2 overlay), the RAW format should be preferred: It’s faster: as it has no metadata associated, it is as fast as possible. On the other hand, Qcow2 has two layer of indirection that must be crossed before to hit the actual data As the overlay layer must … Read more