C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names

Instead of using .def file just insert pragma comment like this #pragma comment(linker, “/EXPORT:SomeFunction=_SomeFunction@@@23mangledstuff#@@@@”) Edit: Or even easier: Inside the body of the function use #pragma comment(linker, “/EXPORT:” __FUNCTION__”=” __FUNCDNAME__) . . . if you have troubles finding the decorated function name. This last pragma can be further reduced with a simple macro definition.

How do I execute a *.dll file [closed]

To run the functions in a DLL, first find out what those functions are using any PE (Portable Executable) analysis program (e.g. Dependency Walker). Then use RUNDLL32.EXE with this syntax: RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <optional arguments> dllname is the path and name of your dll file, entrypoint is the function name, and optional arguments are the function … Read more

create dll file in c# [closed]

File menu -> New Project -> choose your Programing language (Visual C#/VB etc.) -> Windows -> Class Library. After the project has been created, make use of Build menu -> Build Solution (or Build [Project Name]) to compile the project. You may find out the dll in the folder: project folder\bin\debug(or release)

C++/CLI wrapper for native C++ to use as reference in C#

Ok, tutorial. You have a C++ class NativeClass that you want to expose to C#. class NativeClass { public: void Method(); }; 1) Create a C++/CLI project. Link to your C++ library and headers. 2) Create a wrapper class that exposes the methods you want. Example: #include “NativeClass.h” public ref class NativeClassWrapper { NativeClass* m_nativeClass; … Read more

Is a statically linked executable faster than a dynamically linked executable?

Static linking produces a larger executable file than dynamic linking because it has to compile all of the library code directly into the executable. The benefit is a reduction in overhead from no longer having to call functions from a library, and anywhere from somewhat to noticeably faster load times. A dynamically linked executable will … Read more

Call function from DLL?

Depends on what type of DLL. Is this built in .NET ? if it is unmanaged code then here is an example otherwise the Answer from Rob will work. Unmanaged C++ dll example: using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; You may need to use DllImport [DllImport(@”C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\tools\bin\mpsc.dll”)] static extern void mpscExit(); or [DllImport(“user32.dll”, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static … Read more