Spring – Programmatically generate a set of beans

So you need to declare new beans on-the-fly and inject them into Spring’s application context as if they were just common beans, meaning they must be subject to proxying, post-processing, etc, i.e. they must be subject to Spring beans lifecycle. Please see BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor.postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry() method javadocs. This is exactly what you are in need of, because … Read more

Change Dropwizard default ports

You can update the ports in your yaml configuration file: http: port: 9000 adminPort: 9001 See http://www.dropwizard.io/0.9.2/docs/manual/configuration.html#http for more information. EDIT If you’ve migrated to Dropwizard 0.7.x, 0.8.x, 0.9.x you can use the following: server: applicationConnectors: – type: http port: 9000 adminConnectors: – type: http port: 9001

Advice deploying war files vs executable jar with embedded container

An interesting question. This is just my view on the topic, so take everything with a grain of salt. I have occasionally deployed and managed applications using both servlet containers and embedded servers. I’m sure there are still many good reasons for using servlet containers but I will try to just focus on why they … Read more