Quick fix many problems at once

Often, you can fix errors en masse. There are several ways. I recommend going to your Problems view, selecting one of the errors, and hitting Ctrl-1 (quick fix). It should offer you the chance to fix all the errors of the selected type, in all files. You can also mouse over the error in the … Read more

Eclipse + Java 8 support?

For Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) a feature patch needs to be installed in order to get JAVA 8 support. Follow these steps: Eclipse – Help (MENU) > Install New Software… enter the following URL into the ‘Work with’ field: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.3-P-builds/ press ‘Enter’ select category ‘Eclipse Java 8 Support (for Kepler SR2)’ click ‘Next’ click ‘Next’ accept … Read more

How can I add a key binding for a quickMenu similar to the “Refactor” context menu in JDT?

You can also do it like this: Add a command for the quick menu and set a default handler. <command defaultHandler=”myplugin.refactoring.QuickmenuHandler” id=”myplugin.refactoring.quickMenu” name=”Show Refactor Quick Menu”> </command> The handler should be able to create the menu. Something like this: @Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { … Menu menu = new Menu(some parent); new … Read more

Install Eclipse JDT on top of CDT

All versions of Eclipse have a standard base, then a specific set of plugins, depending on the version. All you have to do is go to the Help > Install New Software menu, select the Eclipse update site (e.g. “Galileo – http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo“), and under the Programming Languages section, select Eclipse Java Development Tools. If you … Read more