Elastic Beanstalk S3 access via .ebextensions

I’ve figured it out and I feel a little bit silly for not picking this up sooner. So for anyone that uses AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication path, the solution of course is: Make sure your BUCKET policy allows your aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role. DOH!! It should look something like this: { “Id”: “Policy1111Blah”, “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Sid”: “Stmt1440Blah”, “Action”: … Read more

Elastic Beanstalk stuck for more than 12 hrs

If you know how to fix the source of problem (for example: change application settings in Beanstalk Environment variables or deploy fixed version of your application), then: Go to page Auto Scaling Group, choose your region, find Auto Scaling Group by Beanstalk Environment ID (like e-abcd12345). In Details tab, push “edit”, set Desired, Min and … Read more

Launch instances via Elastic Beanstalk without Elastic IP configured

When using the environment type “Single instance”, you always get an EIP. From Beanstalk developer guide, Environment Types: A single-instance environment contains one Amazon EC2 instance with an Elastic IP address. Disabling the “Associate Public IP Address” option does not have any effect. Switch to “Load-balancing, Autoscaling” Environment to get by without an EIP.

Are Elastic Beanstalk’s environment variables an appropriate place to store secret values?

The point of keeping secrets out of source code is so they don’t go into source control. This is particularly useful in open source projects. When deployed, it doesn’t matter if the secret’s in a file or envvar. What’s important is that only the OS user that your program is running as can read it. … Read more

How to upgrade to the latest AMI in AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

[*] The recommended and supported way to upgrade your AWS Beanstalk environment is documented here and managed platform updates are discussed here, honestly I’d stick to that if you want things to be easy (and that’s what Beanstalk is all about), you’ll theoretically only get the non-breaking updates and AWS will manage the process so … Read more

What are the pros and cons of AWS Elastic Beanstalk compared with other deployment strategies?

I’ve evaluated Elastic Beanstalk in addition to other AWS offerings while trying to improve our hand-rolled AWS instances. The reasons I chose not to use it were due to complications that would arrise migrating my existing application and not with the offering itself. The catch is that you don’t have as much control about application … Read more

How to increase the timeout of Elastic Beanstalk deployments?

You can add AWS Elastic Beanstalk configuration files (.ebextensions) to your web application’s source code to configure your environment and customize the AWS resources that it contains. The option_settings section of a configuration file defines values for configuration options. Configuration options let you configure your Elastic Beanstalk environment, the AWS resources in it, and the … Read more