Create a cryptographically secure random GUID in .NET

Yes you can, Guid allows you to create a Guid using a byte array, and RNGCryptoServiceProvider can generate a random byte array, so you can use the output to feed a new Guid: public Guid CreateCryptographicallySecureGuid() { using (var provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()) { var bytes = new byte[16]; provider.GetBytes(bytes); return new Guid(bytes); } }

How to safely run user-supplied Javascript code inside the browser?

After much consideration and with the help of other posters in this thread (thank you so much for your help!), I found a first bunch of answers to my questions. I am re-writing my answer here though, because it summarizes the concepts and also gives you some actual code to experiment with. Generally, there are … Read more

Java Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting [closed]

The normal practice is to HTML-escape any user-controlled data during redisplaying in JSP, not during processing the submitted data in servlet nor during storing in DB. In JSP you can use the JSTL (to install it, just drop jstl-1.2.jar in /WEB-INF/lib) <c:out> tag or fn:escapeXml function for this. E.g. <%@ taglib uri=”” prefix=”c” %> … … Read more

Shall I use the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header for a backend API?

CSP is a technique designed to impair xss-attacks. That is, it is most useful in combination with serving hypermedia that relies on other resources being loaded with it. That is not exactly a scenario I would expect with an API. That is not to say you cannot use it. If there really is no interactive … Read more