Young people using Emacs?

My “highly extensible editor” of choice is vim. Started using vi 10 years ago, at age 17, and I haven’t really looked back. I like to stay away from my mouse as much as possible. I rarely work in compiled languages these days, so the only thing I feel like I’m missing from an IDE … Read more

What are the similarities and differences among Haskell indentation modes for Emacs?

Really, as far as I am aware from asking people, there is no de facto standard, people have strong opinions about which they prefer but with little specific evidence other than “it works for me in most cases”. The haskell-indentation package and haskell-indent packages are the most popular: both have a tab cycle both are … Read more

Set Emacs defaut font face per-buffer/mode

How about something like this: (add-hook ‘markdown-mode-hook (lambda () (variable-pitch-mode t)) You can then customize the variable-pitch face, and the other faces in the buffer will inherit from this instead of the default face. Read the docs for buffer-face-mode for more customization details. (BufFace is also used for text-scale-increase and text-scale-decrease… very useful.)

What is the difference between `global-set-key` and `define-key global-map` in Emacs

Function global-set-key is an interactive function based on define-key which you can invoke by typing M-x global-set-key. Function define-key is rather used in Lisp programs. You can look up global-set-key‘s source code with C-h f global-set-key to see that it only wraps define-key. To answer your question, there are no significant differences between them.

In Emacs dired, how to find/visit multiple files?

In Emacs 23.2 and higher, the dired-x.el module is available, and it gives you access to a command that does exactly what you want. After you load it (just (load “dired-x”), normally), you’ll be able to invoke the function dired-do-find-marked-files. Here’s its built-in documentation: (dired-do-find-marked-files &optional NOSELECT) Find all marked files displaying all of them … Read more