Submit form without reloading page [duplicate]

You can’t do this using forms the normal way. Instead, you want to use AJAX. A sample function that will submit the data and alert the page response. function submitForm() { var http = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “<<whereverTheFormIsGoing>>”, true); http.setRequestHeader(“Content-type”,”application/x-www-form-urlencoded”); var params = “search=” + <<get search value>>; // probably use document.getElementById(…).value http.send(params); http.onload = … Read more

jQuery: form not submitting with $(“#id”).submit(), but will submit with a ‘submit’ button?

Change button’s “submit” name to something else. That causes the problem. See dennisjq’s answer at: See the jQuery submit() documentation: Forms and their child elements should not use input names or ids that conflict with properties of a form, such as submit, length, or method. Name conflicts can cause confusing failures. For a complete … Read more

How do I use an image as a submit button?

Use an image type input: <input type=”image” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Submit” /> The full HTML: <form id=’formName’ name=”formName” onsubmit=”redirect();return false;”> <div class=”style7″> <input type=”text” id=’userInput’ name=”userInput” value=””> <input type=”image” name=”submit” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Submit” style=”width: 50px;” /> </div> </form>

Submit POST data from controller to another website in Rails

The simpliest way is using ruby core library: require “uri” require “net/http” params = {‘box1’ => ‘Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor. -Emily Post’, ‘button1’ => ‘Submit’ } x = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(‘’), params) puts x.body Pro Tip: Do … Read more

HTML5: How to make a form submit, after pressing ENTER at any of the text inputs?

Try adding this between the <form></form> tags <input type=”submit” style=”display: none” /> Tested it and it works on Firefox and Chrome. If you have a submit input type in the form, enter should automatically submit it, regardless of whether it’s visible or not. I am actually using this myself in a login form, though in … Read more

Default action to execute when pressing enter in a form

This is not specific to JSF. This is specific to HTML. The HTML5 forms specification section basically specifies that the first occuring <input type=”submit”> element in the “tree order” in same <form> as the current input element in the HTML DOM tree will be invoked on enter press. There are basically two workarounds: Use … Read more