In SQL Server, when should you split your PRIMARY Data FileGroup into secondary data files?

There’s two parts to this question: when to add a new FILEGROUP, and when to add a new FILE in a filegroup. First let’s talk theory: Mark’s right about the primary reason being performance. The secondary reason is disaster recovery. With SQL Server 2005 and newer, you can do filegroup restores. When disaster strikes, you … Read more

Temporary membership to AD group

Assuming all your Domain Controllers are Windows Server 2003 or later you can do this with native Active Directory’s dynamic objects functionality without any scripting. Let’s say that a user account, “Bob”, needs to be in the “Accounting” group for 24 hours. Create a “Bob in Accounting 24 Hours” group and specify an entry-TTL for … Read more

find files NOT belonging to group

find /home -not -group test or find /home ! -group test The exclamation inverts the match. From man find: ! expr True if expr is false. This character will also usually need -not expr Same as ! expr, but not POSIX compliant. If you want the group it does belong to in the output: find … Read more

How to let non-admins manage selected domain groups’ membership?

You can specify the managedBy attribute, and check the box for “Manager can update membership list”. (This grants write permission for the Member attribute.) The person(s) who need to edit the group may be able to do it with the DSQuery widget, for which you can create the following shortcut: rundll32 dsquery,OpenQueryWindow They can search … Read more

List All Groups and Their Members with PowerShell on Win2008r2

Gimme the codes! powers, activate! $Groups = Get-ADGroup -Properties * -Filter * -SearchBase “OU=Groups,DC=corp,DC=ourcompany,DC=Com” Foreach($G In $Groups) { Write-Host $G.Name Write-Host “————-” $G.Members } The point being, just take your time and break it out into steps. I know that it’s fun to try to get everything and the kitchen sink to fit into a … Read more

Where should I place group shared files on a Linux system?

I’d almost certainly suggest using /usr/local. Globally accessible user scripts can be placed in /usr/local/bin. Small amounts of associated data could also go into bin. Or you may wish to separate out the data into /usr/local/var or /usr/local/share. By doing this you’ll be quite sure that anyone FHS familar will be able to locate them … Read more