node: could not initialize ICU (check NODE_ICU_DATA or –icu-data-dir parameters)

You need to run npm install including the full-icu package. It’s full-icu‘s postinstall step which downloads the appropriate bits for the currently executing node. Note that multiple files may show up in the full-icu directory, that’s OK. If you already had full-icu installed, but upgraded Node.js in between: npm rebuild fixes the issue.

What is the meaning of + in a regex?

+ can actually have two meanings, depending on context. Like the other answers mentioned, + usually is a repetition operator, and causes the preceding token to repeat one or more times. a+ would be expressed as aa* in formal language theory, and could also be expressed as a{1,} (match a minimum of 1 times and … Read more

Reference – What does this regex mean?

The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ See also a lot of general hints and useful links at the regex tag details page. Online tutorials RegexOne ↪ Regular Expressions Info ↪ Quantifiers Zero-or-more: *:greedy, *?:reluctant, *+:possessive One-or-more: +:greedy, +?:reluctant, ++:possessive ?:optional (zero-or-one) Min/max ranges (all inclusive): {n,m}:between n & m, {n,}:n-or-more, {n}:exactly n Differences between greedy, … Read more

How do I match any character across multiple lines in a regular expression?

Try this: ((.|\n)*)<FooBar> It basically says “any character or a newline” repeated zero or more times.