Hosting multiple domains on a single email server with one IP

Both approaches are valid, do know that this record will not show as the originating address. When you send an email to one of your configured addresses, the sending MTA will look up the MX record configured for your domain. It will get the IP from that domain and it will open an SMTP session … Read more

SSL Server name mismatch how to bypass ie11

If you have access to create your certificates for that server I suggest you create a certificate that includes alternate names that the server may be known as. In that way the browser will automatically resolve the correct name. From SAN Certificate (Subject Alternative Name Certificate) You can setup the wildcard certificate if the … Read more

Don’t automatically include all subdomains in DNSMasq address, The dnsmasq man page says: –host-record=<name>[,<name>….][<IPv4-address>],[<IPv6-address>] Add A, AAAA and PTR records to the DNS. This adds one or more names to the DNS with associated IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) records. A name may appear in more than one host-record and therefore be assigned more than one address. Only the first address creates … Read more

unbound/nsd returning SERVFAIL resolving local LAN DNS. nsd alone works fine

This line from the log indicates the problem: Jun 15 06:12:39 unbound[1947]: [1947:0] debug: skip addr on the donotquery list ip4 port 53530 (len 1 Unbound by default refuses to send any DNS queries to localhost. To enable it to query localhost, set the do-not-query-localhost to no in the server-section of the Unbound … Read more

What is the point of the zones.rfc1918 file for Bind9?

It is generally considered a good practice to serve localhost, and the RFC-1918 reverse zones on your internal DNS system to prevent sending queries from them out to the internet. It saves time (you get replies for those queries quickly), bandwidth (no requests leaving your network for zones that shouldn’t exist), and relieves the … Read more

Querying DNS for CNAMEs for a server

You didn’t specify what your environment is but if you’re using Unix I think a combination of dig and grep should work. should be the hostname of your nameserver, is the domain your host is part of, and HOST is the host that you want to find all the CNAME records for. That’s … Read more

Should engineering have its own DNS zone, delegate, or subdomain?

In today’s world, I do not recommend creating new zones with arbitrary top level domains, as these might make it into “official dns” at any point in time. I personally would favor the subdomain delegation scenario, as it seems to be fitting what you try to do. (Consolidate but give control to engineering) Maybe you … Read more

DNS A record pointing to private IP address [duplicate]

Is it considered normal practice to add an A record for at my DNS provider pointing to the private ip (, so that can resolve to my machine inside my private network? That will certainly work, but it’s not best practice as it opens the door for a bit of information leakage about … Read more