How to debug Websockets?

Wireshark sounds like what you want actually. There is very little framing or structure to WebSockets after the handshake (so you want low-level) and even if there was, wireshark would soon (or already) have the ability to parse it and show you the structure. Personally, I often capture with tcpdump and then parse the data … Read more

WSL-2: Which ports are automatically forwarded?

When you run WSL-2, a machine like a vitural machin run on your window device. Windows will create a local network, same your LAN, and connect WLS-2 to this network. On your WSL2, you can run ip a | grep eth0, result look like: 5: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default … Read more

IP-address ending with zero? [closed]

An IP address ending in .0 is perfectly legal these days. However, some devices (and firewall policies) believe that it isn’t. In the old “classfull” addressing scheme, IPs from to were considered “class C” space, i.e. they had an implicit subnet mask of So, back then, you couldn’t actually have a .0 … Read more

Can someone explain what a wire-level protocol is?

I wouldn’t say that something uses a wire-level protocol or doesn’t – I’d talk about which wire-level protocol it uses. Basically, if something’s communicating with a remote machine (even conceptually) then there’s some data going across the network connection (the wire). The description of that data is the “wire-level protocol”. Even within that, you would … Read more