postfix says mail sent ok, message does not arrive in ISPs inbox? no reject in log?

The dsn=2.0.0 and a correct relay= means that Bell’s mail server has accepted the message. However, this doesn’t mean that it will allow the message to be delivered to the user’s mail box. In this instance the most likely explanation is that Bell South’s spam filters have cleaned your message out before reaching the user’s … Read more

Server Hosting from your House – $200 to $300 per month range [closed]

I just have to throw in my two cents: If you’re looking to “start a business” and are a programmer, go with a hosting provider. Less headaches, you have someone else to deal with the network and hardware issues. If you’re planning on hosting things for anyone other than yourself, DO NOT host it in … Read more

Our wi-fi at work is ridiculously slow, will adding more range extenders improve it?

I’m going to put this as gently as I can: Wireless networks (802.11) suck. The 2.4GHz band (802.11b, g, and some n devices) is a festering pit of radio noise. Everything from baby monitors to microwave ovens pollute this section of the spectrum, and the wanton proliferation of wireless networks has it so congested that … Read more