systemd’s journalctl: how to filter by message?

Currently, journalctl does not support patterns or wildcards in field matches. grep is your best option. I had the same problem, and I think that journalctl only searches for an exact match for VALUE when NAME=VALUE is passed as arguments. My investigations: man page From journalctl(1) The pattern is not mentioned in the description of … Read more

How to allow a user to use journalctl to see user-specific systemd service logs?

On older systemd versions, you’ll have to use journalctl –user –user-unit=SERVICENAME (on newer versions journalctl –user -u SERVICENAME will work fine). However, this only works if the Storage directive of the [Journal] section of /etc/systemd/journald.conf is set to persistent (instead of auto or volatile). Reboot after editing the configuration file and the user will be … Read more

How do view older journalctl logs (after a rotation maybe?)

It could be because you are trying to review the journal since the last boot, which seems likely to be the case inside a docker image. On Ubuntu 16.04, the journal storage defaults to being in-memory. You can change the default to be persistent by opening /etc/systemd/journald.conf and changing the Storage= line from auto to … Read more