The abbreviation impl is used in a lot of libraries; What does it mean? [closed]

It stands for Implementation. It’s a Java convention. Often in java (particularly J2EE) you will get an object from some factory, and then use it. That object’s type is often given to you as an interface, so that you don’t need to know the actual class, just its methods. An impl class is usually a … Read more

Does being a competent scala programmer require you to be a competent java programmer? [closed]

You should take a lazy approach to learning Java. Learn it when you need it. In my opinion, much of the old Java knowledge is out of date, much of the new tutorials are redundant. You certainly don’t want to bother yourself with Java’s antiquated Collections, for example. Many Java-based frameworks can be safely ignored. … Read more

How do I use external crates in Rust?

Since Rust 1.0, 99% of all users will use Cargo to manage the dependencies of a project. The TL;DR of the documentation is: Create a project using cargo new Edit the generated Cargo.toml file to add dependencies: [dependencies] old-http = “0.1.0-pre” Access the crate in your code: Rust 2021 and 2018 use old_http::SomeType; Rust 2015 … Read more

Where do I put third-party libraries to set up a C++ Linux development environment?

Where to put libraries The best solution is to use your Linux distribution’s packaging system (apt-get, yum, or similar) to install libraries from distro-provided packages wherever possible. If the distro’s packaged libraries aren’t of a recent enough version, or if you need some nonstandard build options, or if you need a library that your distro … Read more

Haskell libraries overview and their quality [closed]

I’ll leave this as a community wiki – others people please feel free to add items or commentary in a reasonably concise manner. Fast arrays capable of handling millions of items: Repa, Vector. Fast and powerful maps: containers and unordered-containers. Fast, generic and convenient trees: Queues, hashtables: See the hashtables package for the latest and … Read more

What are some interesting C/C++ libraries to play around with? [closed]

STL and Boost are musts. SQLite provides a completely embedded, full-featured relational database in a few 100k that you can include right into your project. It’s also a highly marketable skill because of its high presence (it’s included in Mozilla Firefox as well as Android and iOS). If you’re interested in creating user interfaces, look … Read more