Error 3004: Problem in mapping fragment starting at line [closed]

In my case am not allowed to modify existing tables but I discovered that when you add a new table with “Include foreign key columns in the model” checked in EF4 and the table doesn’t contain any foreign key relationships then you try to add a association it will trigger this error. Defining Constraints in … Read more

Why `additionalProperties` is the way to represent Dictionary/Map in Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0

Chen, I think your answer is correct. Some further background that might be helpful: In JavaScript, which was the original context for JSON, an object is like a hash map of strings to values, where some values are data, others are functions. You can think of each name-value pair as a property. But JavaScript doesn’t … Read more

Best Practices for mapping one object to another

I would opt for AutoMapper, an open source and free mapping library which allows to map one type into another, based on conventions (i.e. map public properties with the same names and same/derived/convertible types, along with many other smart ones). Very easy to use, will let you achieve something like this: Model model = Mapper.Map<Model>(dto); … Read more

Convert from latitude, longitude to x, y

No exact solution exists There is no isometric map from the sphere to the plane. When you convert lat/lon coordinates from the sphere to x/y coordinates in the plane, you cannot hope that all lengths will be preserved by this operation. You have to accept some kind of deformation. Many different map projections do exist, … Read more

Mapping columns from one dataframe to another to create a new column [duplicate]

df.merge out = (df1.merge(df2, left_on=’store’, right_on=’store_code’) .reindex(columns=[‘id’, ‘store’, ‘address’, ‘warehouse’])) print(out) id store address warehouse 0 1 100 xyz Land 1 2 200 qwe Sea 2 3 300 asd Land 3 4 400 zxc Land 4 5 500 bnm Sea pd.concat + df.sort_values u = df1.sort_values(‘store’) v = df2.sort_values(‘store_code’)[[‘warehouse’]].reset_index(drop=1) out = pd.concat([u, v], 1) print(out) … Read more

How can I quickly estimate the distance between two (latitude, longitude) points?

The answers to Haversine Formula in Python (Bearing and Distance between two GPS points) provide Python implementations that answer your question. Using the implementation below I performed 100,000 iterations in less than 1 second on an older laptop. I think for your purposes this should be sufficient. However, you should profile anything before you optimize … Read more