What are PCRE limits?

These appear to be settings internal to the PCRE engine in order to limit the maximum amount of memory/time spent on trying to match some text to a pattern. The pcreapi manpage does little to explain it in layman’s terms: The match_limit field provides a means of preventing PCRE from using up a vast amount … Read more

mod_security block requests by http-host header

Same issue here. I am using mod_security to block the user-agent SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent “Bittorrent” “id:10000002,rev:1,severity:2,log,msg:’Bittorrent Hit Detected'” I would change the log to nolog after you verify it is working to avoid filling up your log file SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent “Bittorrent” “id:10000002,rev:1,severity:2,nolog,msg:’Bittorrent Hit Detected'”