What is the difference between HTTP/1.1 pipelining and HTTP/2 multiplexing?

HTTP/1.1 without pipelining: Each HTTP request over the TCP connection must be responded to before the next request can be made. HTTP/1.1 with pipelining: Each HTTP request over the TCP connection may be made immediately without waiting for the previous request’s response to return. The responses will come back in the same order. HTTP/2 multiplexing: … Read more

What is an http request multiplexer?

From net/http GoDoc and Source. ListenAndServe starts an HTTP server with a given address and handler. The handler is usually nil, which means to use DefaultServeMux. Handle and HandleFunc add handlers to DefaultServeMux DefaultServeMux is just a predefined http.ServeMux var DefaultServeMux = &defaultServeMux var defaultServeMux ServeMux As you can see http.Handle calls DefaultServeMux internally. func … Read more

Difference between HTTP pipeling and HTTP multiplexing with SPDY

It’s not incorrect, but there is an important aspect it omits. HTTP requires that you deliver the entire response before any other request can proceed. What you’re showing in the diagram is correct in the sense that with SPDY we can finally break the “head of line” requirement and deliver the responses as they become … Read more

FFMPEG mux video and audio (from another video) – mapping issue

Overview of inputs input_0.mp4 has the desired video stream and input_1.mp4 has the desired audio stream: In ffmpeg the streams look like this: $ ffmpeg -i input_0.mp4 -i input_1.mp4 Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from ‘input_0.mp4’: Duration: 00:01:48.50, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 4144 kb/s Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1280×720, 4014 kb/s, SAR 115:87 … Read more

Adding port forwardings programmatically on a ControlMaster SSH session

That’s quite simple, actually. Simply add the ctl_cmd -O forward to your existing command, thus: ssh -M -L5555:localhost:22 remotehost becomes: ssh -O forward -M -L5555:localhost:22 remotehost The ssh man page discusses the -O ctl_cmd option: -O ctl_cmd Control an active connection multiplexing master process. When the -O option is specified, the ctl_cmd argument is interpreted … Read more