DNS MX/SPF/DMARC records without actuall emails on domain

The point would largely boil down to being a good citizen and reducing abuse, like making your domain less useful for spammers to impersonate and to make it immediately clear to others that mail is not deliverable there. If the claim is accurate that the domain is not used for either sending or receiving email … Read more

How do I set an MX record in Route53 for a GoDaddy domain?

To make things nice and clear, as some of the GoDaddy help articles are dead wrong: You just need to paste the two records from the server settings into your Route 53 control panel as a new record. The possible deception here is the the GD email panel will tell you you’re wrong, but not … Read more

DNS: Subdomains that Require Both an MX Record and a CNAME

Unfortunately, what you’re running into is a limitation of the DNS specification. Having an MX record for the same hostname as is defined as a CNAME record will fail in most DNS server implementations. Some older DNS servers will allow this, but they have been mostly phased out in favor of newer, more secure implementations. … Read more

DNS: Is it valid to have an “MX” record and no “A” record?

As long as the system pointed at by the MX record has an A record itself, then yes. For example: example.com can have a MX record pointing at mail.otherdomain.com. As long as the name mail.otherdomain.com itself is resolvable to an IP address, this is a valid configuration for example.com. Strictly speaking, mail.otherdomain.com should be an … Read more