how to convert negative integer value to hex in python

Python’s integers can grow arbitrarily large. In order to compute the raw two’s-complement the way you want it, you would need to specify the desired bit width. Your example shows -199703103 in 64-bit two’s complement, but it just as well could have been 32-bit or 128-bit, resulting in a different number of 0xf‘s at the … Read more

HashCode giving negative values

I don’t think hash values should be negative. Why not? It’s entirely valid to have negative hash codes. Most ways of coming up with a hash code naturally end up with negative values, and anything dealing with them should take account of this. However, I’d consider a different approach to coming up with your hash … Read more

Loop starting at -1 doesn’t print anything [duplicate]

sizeof returns an unsigned integer, so TOTAL_ELEMENTS is also unsigned. d is signed. Initially, d is -1. However, when doing the comparison, d is implicitly typecast to unsigned, so it is no longer -1 when being compared to TOTAL_ELEMENTS, it is actually UINT_MAX (which is 4294967295 on my machine, but might differ for others). Also, … Read more

Advantage of 2’s complement over 1’s complement?

The primary advantage of two’s complement over one’s complement is that two’s complement only has one value for zero. One’s complement has a “positive” zero and a “negative” zero. Next, to add numbers using one’s complement you have to first do binary addition, then add in an end-around carry value. Two’s complement has only one … Read more