What is the sequence of Windows RPC ports 135, 137, 139 (and higher ports)? What changes with Port 145?

This TechNet article is fantastic, I recommend you bookmark it. It lists the ports used by various Windows services and is quite thorough. In versions of Windows earlier than Vista/2008, NetBIOS was used for the “RPC Locator” service, which managed the RPC name service database. But in Vista/2008 and beyond, the RPC Locator service is … Read more

How to configure a Windows machine to allow file sharing with a DNS alias

To facilitate failover schemes, a common technique is to use DNS CNAME records (DNS Aliases) for different machine roles. Then instead of changing the Windows computername of the actual machine name, one can switch a DNS record to point to a new host. This can work on Microsoft Windows machines, but to make it work … Read more